Ditch Witch 255SX 4X4 Cable Plow, Low Hours!! With Trailer in Acme, PA

$6,500 Ditch Witch 255SX 4X4 Cable Plow, Low Hours!! With Trailer


[removed phone] SX Ditch Witch, used with Low Hours!!! Comes with Vibrating Cable Plow, Drill / Bore, and front weights. Runs and operates 100%. Starts easy and no leaks, Ready to put to work!!! Only around 300 Hours showing on the meter! Good Solid Machine! Comes with original 2002 Ditch Witch Tilting Trailer, with breaks and pinnel hitch (Heavy Duty)!
No Plow blade included.
The Ditch Witch 255 SX is a compact, self-propelled, hydrostatic vibratory plow designed to fit through a standard yard gate to install power lines and communications cable up to 1 inch (25 mm) in diameter, and natural gas, water service and sprinkler system pipe up to 3 inches (76 mm) in diameter.

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