2013 Thor Motor Coach A.C.E. ACE (Model 27.1) W/Slide RV for Sale in Alvarado, TX

$74,596 2013 Thor Motor Coach A.C.E. ACE (Model 27.1) W/Slide RV


For the Lowest Price Please Visit MHSRV .com or Call [removed phone]. MSRP $99,462. New 2013 Thor Motor Coach A.C.E. Model 27.1 features a huge slide-out room and King bed. The A.C.E. is the class A & C Evolution. It Combines many of the most popular features of a class A motor home and a class C motor home to make something truly unique to the RV industry. This unit measures approx 28ft 7ins in length. Optional equipment includes beautiful Cascade HD-Max exterior, power side mirrors with integrated side view cameras, LCD TELEVISION & Video disc player in master bedroom, upgraded 15.0 BTU ducted roof AIR CONDITIONING unit, hydraulic leveling jacks, 2nd aux battery, Fantastic Fan and roof ladder. The A.C.E. also features a LCD TELEVISION, drop down overhead bunk, a mud-room, a Ford Triton V-10 engine and much more. FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS, VIDEO, MSRP, BROCHURE, IMAGES & MORE PLEASE CALL [removed phone] or VISIT MHSRV .comListing originally posted at http

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