Books Books Books in Dothan, AL


I have all kinds of books. $5 each. Take Me There - Carolee Dean Soldier Boys - Dean Hughes First Painter - Kathryn Lasky (children's book) Peter Pan - J.M. Barrie Children's Books in Children's Hands (textbook) When It Happens - Susane Colasanti The Empty Mirror - James Lincoln Collier The Grizzly - Pat Sargent (childrens book) Judy Moody - Megan McDonald (children's book $3) So. B. It - Sarah Weeks ($3) True Love - Lurlene McDaniel (3 novels) Marked - PC Cast The Great Gatsby - F. SCOTT FITZGERALD Keep Me in Your Heart - Lurlene McDaniel (3 novels) Punctuation plain and simple - Alward The Prince - Nicollo Machiavelli ($3) Elements of Style - EB White Harry Potter 2 & 3 The Truth About Forever - Sarah Desson This ad was posted with the eBay Classifieds mobile app.

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