Wanted iH-MM-JI CASE-JD-CASE/iH employee memrobilia in East Moline, IL

Wanted iH-MM-JI CASE-JD-CASE/iH employee memrobilia


I am looking to buy International Harvester (iH), Minneapolis Moline (MM), CASE, John Deere (JD) and CASE/iH item's for my personal collection. These are the items that these companies and/or their dealerships gave out to their employee's such as service awards, any paper items, clothing, tools, manuals, or any type of safety award. Please call me at [removed phone]-XXXX or cell [removed phone]-XXXX. I pay based on the number of items you have and their condition. Please call or e-mail me before you part with your items. Thank You :-) I am located where I-80 crosses the Mississippi river between Iowa and Illinois.

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