Super Cat Squat Machine in Esko, MN

$800 Super Cat Squat Machine


Super Cat Squat Machine made by Powernetics. With this machine you can do explosive angle squats and squat jumps with heavy weights without fear of injuring yourself. My son used this machine for two years for basketball. Over that time he saw incredible increases in his strength, speed, quickness, endurance, and jumping ability. If you want to see this machine in action go to and type in Powernetics and watch the videos. You will be amazed at Barry's jumping ability. Barry's dad invented this machine and his son increased his 3 step vertical from 18 inches to 48 inches using this machine. Barry was 6 feet tall and could touch his head on the rim with three steps. You will need a truck and one more person to load this machine as it will take four people to get into the back of your truck. My son and I will also help. This machine is put together so well it is pretty much indestructible. My son used it for two years and it still looks like new. I paid $1800 for this plus shipping. Will sell for $800.00. Call [removed phone].

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