Traynor AM-100t Acoustic guitar Amp in Fort White, FL

$299 Traynor AM-100t Acoustic guitar Amp


Traynor AM-100T used Acoustic Amp [removed phone]
The two-channel Traynor AM100T acoustic guitar amplifier delivers 100 Watts of clean power in this ultra-compact 2x6.5-inch and tweeter combo. Designed as a stand alone amp for small solo acoustic gigs the AM100T has two fully discrete input channels, one specifically for acoustic guitar with three-band EQ and tunable notch filter, and an additional channel which functions as a microphone input, auxiliary instrument input or input for line-level sources such as a CD or MP3 player.
Onboard footswitchable digital effects (defeatable on Channel Two), a balanced 1/4-inch pre-master/post-EQ/pre-EFX line output for connection to front-of-house console and headphone jack is provided. Manufactured in North America, the AM100T uses solid plywood cabinet construction and a sturdy curved all metal front grille under the grille cloth to protect the high quality speaker components. An all-metal chassis ensures long-term reliability.
?Solid Plywood Cabinet Construction
?Two Discrete Input Channels
?Onboard Digital Effects
?2x 6.5-inch Woofers plus Tweeter Configuration
?Tilt Back Cabinet Design
?Wine Red Covering
?All Metal Grille Under Oatmeal Grille Cloth
?External Effects Loop
?Master Volume Control

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