Basic Desktop Computer Setup and Monitor Desk Printer Etc (Los Angeles in Los Angeles, CA

$100 Basic Desktop Computer Setup and Monitor Desk Printer Etc


Great Desktop Computer - In Great Working Order
Includes Monitor, Tower, Keyboard, Mouse, Speakers, Desk Everything you see on the table.
Printer and Windows Vista CD For Your New Harddrive
Only needs a new hard-drive and your good to go.
Anyone who wants to learn how to use a basic computer or to casual do internet surfing, homework, etc.
Good for basic use, not for gaming. Great for Youtube, streaming, etc.
Everything included in the computer except hard drive. Needs to be replaced (About $40) for the lowest capacity.
It's a Pentium four CPU 1.80GHz
256MB of RAM
Asking $100 FIRM
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Internet, Computer, Desktop, Tablet, Notebook, Monitor CRT, Tower, Etc Intel AMD

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