Isuzu Amigo 4x4 Suv in Machesney Park, IL
This is my personal driver and I love it. I have owned several Isuzus and have had greaqt luck with them. This one is a v6 5 speed Amego. The best things about this truck is its a usefull 4x4 for winter and its a semi convertable jeep type vehicle for summer cruiseing. The motor is sweet the clutch is strong, brakes are good tires are good (over 75% remaining) This truck is great fun and a great price with a retail book over $5000 its a bargin don't miss it.
Our business is a well respected used car and motor cycle dealership established 45 years ago. We always try to offer good cars at a great price. We do have a good selection of cars vans & trucks other than the one featured here.
Thanks for your interest We look forward to hearing from you.
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