Gw 123 List of Matchbox Loose Cars + Others. in Morristown, NJ


All without boxes (2) means the number of pieces I have. Will price them latter. Welcome to examine them. Images on some items on request. M3a (2) MAJOR PACK 1059 Thorycroft Antar 50 ton Tank Transport+ Centurion Tank- Threads on tank dry and broken. I have one extra Centurion Tank. The treads are offered on eBay for $11.[removed phone]) Stake truck 12 (3) Land rover safari 13 Dodge wrecker truck 14 Lotus Ambulance missing I back door. 19 Lotus. 22 (2) Pontiac GP Sport coupe 37 (2) Cattle Truck 39 (2) Ford Truck 40 Hay Trailer. 43 (2) Pony Trailer with two horses in each. 47 Common Ice Cream Canteen. 51 8 wheel Tipper Douglas 1966. 52 BRM 55 Ford Fairlane Police car 59 Bracer Personnel Carrier. 65 Galaas Combine Harvester. 67 "Saladin" Armored car 6 x 6 cannon broke. 72 Jeep 2 Superfast Jeep Hot Rod- really fast car. 22 Superfast 1969 Lamborghini Y[removed phone] Renault 2 Seated- missing seat. Gorgi Juniors no box 1. Jaguar X16 4.2 2. James Bond Astro Martin 3. Volkswagen 1300 Marx Ford J Hasbro Tonka 2000 Maistro Tot Truck. Mercury made in Italy scraper no tires. Check out our other lisind in North Jersey type in GW in Thank you for looking Granny World.

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