Exceptional Gem Peridot in Balsalt-Originally in New York, NY

$225 Exceptional Gem Peridot in Balsalt-Originally $385.00


Gem Peridot in Balsalt- A large cabinet size specimen measuring 5 3/4" Wide, 4 3/4" High and 3 3/4" Thick. Weighing in 5 pounds. Peridot from the San Carlos Indian Reservation is among the finest in the world. You are looking at a very impressive mass of Peridot crystals forming in basalt. An absolutely stunning display and unusual size of this green gemstone. There are at least 5 Seperate Chambers containing Peridot found around the Specimen. Beautiful Gemmy Grains in this one! A simply stunning Peridot specimen that can be admired from a distance. Seldom seen available this size. Do not let a specimen of this caliber get buy. A real beauty folks! Original Price $385.00 NOW $225.00 Shipping $35.95 If interested please e mail. Visit

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