Sony TCM casette recording deck in New York, NY

$55 Sony TCM casette recording deck!


This TCM-5000EV cassette recorder is one of the most well-known portable tape recording decks that has been made. Many recording artists have spoken about the way this model deck has given them the ability to gather the new sound. All analog, you can rebalance the inputs to suit your sound. With power from 4 D-cel batteries isolate the unit for a superior sound quality. A built-in speak acts as a quick on-site monitor.
One of the big things with this tape deck is how much it can be tuned, and how easily it can be maintained. Analog hardware is special - you can alter the way it works through retuning and kit add-ons or your own circuits. Can't do that with a bunch of silicon! Analog hardware needs to be maintained from time to time, too.... the pleasure with the pain. But this little unit is awesome! Part of the reason it's famous is because it's easy to maintain. In fact, you're the lucky one, because I loved this unit so much that I ordered an original service manual from Sony - just so I could tweak it as I wanted.
Besides awesomeness like this, with this deck comes a high quality Sony stereo microphone (ECM-MS907), which cost about $75 new. I used to go around and gather sounds on the street, in nature, parties, and all kinds of stuff. Sure today you could use any digital recorder to pick up raw sounds, but you can't rework them through the analog control, nor can you bend and color through other equipment before you work it into your music. That's the kind of unique creative power you have with a tape deck like this.
I'll also give you the travel case I got for it; with the shoulder strap you can easily do a sound walk and otherwise be on the move.

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