Lovely Bronze Sculpture Guardian Angel in Northbrook, IL
Guardian Angel, Bronze Sculpture After Ennis,12 1/2"H x 5"W x 5"D 12lbs This bronze sculpture was produced using the "Lost Wax" casting method. The"Lost Wax" Cast method is the most precise metal casting technique in existence, ensuring exquisite detail of the original host model which is usually sculpted in clay or wax. This "Lost Wax" casting method is an extremely labor intensive and expensive process, but the end results produce a Heirloom Quality Masterpiece!A guardian angel is an angel assigned to protect and guide a particular person. The concept of tutelaryangels and their hierarchy was extensively developed in Christianity in the fifth century by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite.The theology of angels, and tutelary spirits, has undergone many refinements since the 400s, and belief in both the East and the West is that guardian angels protect whichever person to whom God assigns them, and present prayers to God on that person's behalf.Listing originally posted at http