Autographed Boxing Glove Holmes,Morales,Quoi, Snipes, Griffith (Hatboro in Philadelphia, PA

$50 Autographed Boxing Glove Holmes,Morales,Quoi, Snipes,


All boxing autographs were obtained at the Larry Holmes boxing roast from 2003 thru 2010 held each year in Bethlehem Pa. two people from the Easton area were roasted each year and Larry would have boxers come to the roast and even have a celebrity or 2 show up as well, for the price of a ticket you could have everything you wanted signed, boxing gloves, programs, boxing trunks, magazines and anything else that you wanted to have signed. The roast each year would be held the week of Larry's birthday November third the roast would be held the Sunday Before or the Sunday after and my daughter would sing happy birthday to Larry for 3 of those years I have a DVD of her singing to Larry. All autographs are 100% guaranteed, feel free to have all autographs authenticated. I am selling boxing gloves, programs, boxing trunks and magazines from the roast's. Own a piece or several different pieces of boxing history. This piece is a Multi signed boxing glove signed in black Sharpie by Larry Holmes, Rose Morales, Dwight Mohamad Quoi,Renaldo Snipes,and Emile Griffith I am selling this for $50, feel free to contact me if you have any questions [removed phone]Listing originally posted at http

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