DS Air Jordan 2006 Flip 3s size 10 (Phoenix in Phoenix, AZ

$230 DS Air Jordan 2006 Flip 3s size 10 (Phoenix)


jordans; I have a DS pair of flip 3s for sale QS FOR 230$ or trades. In trades, they must be size 9-10 ONLY ! NO OTHER SIZES. NO GR's EITHER! IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT GR's mean dont text me. Dont offer me stupid offers wont reply. Looking for HEAT ONLY ! CDP 3s CDP 4s CG 4s CDP 6s CDP 13s Motorsport 6s 2002 Raptors 7s Flint 7s Aqua 8s CG 9s Flint 9s Steel 10s 2004 Space Jam 11s CG 11s Playoff 12s Bred 13s (IF THEY BEAT I DONT WANT THEM SO DONT OFFER) Hmu at [removed phone]6

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