Apple 13" White MacBook 2GHz Intel Core Duo in Phoenix, AZ
2006 Apple 13" MacBook White 2GHz Intel Core Duo
Apple Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Apple iWork '09
Apple iLife '11
Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac
Paragon NTFS 9 for Mac
Apple Aperture 3
Apple Final Cut Express 4
Apple Logic Express 9
Roxio Toast 11 Titanium
120GB SATA Hard Drive
2GB DDR2 PC[removed phone] Ram
Combo Drive
Built-in iSight
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate is installed via Bootcamp
Symantec Corporate AntiVirus 10
Microsoft Office 2010
Winrar 4
Asking $425.00 or best reasonable offer.
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13" 2006 MacBook, white running Intel Core Duo processor. 2GB Ram. 2GHz Processing speed.
Need to sell asap. In very super...
[removed phone]" White MacBook. In very good condition. Fast. Running 2GHz Intel Core Duo processor. 2GB Ram. Only $400...
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