Magazines Fortune Entrepreneur TravelerLandscape Photog EntertainWeek (Downtown in San Diego, CA

$1 Magazines Fortune Entrepreneur TravelerLandscape Photog


Current IssueMagazines for Sale, Images Below
(Have those below plus all new up to date to current - sell newer ones 50cents each ) fifteen issues of Entertainment Weekly (6/17/11-10/21/11) $3 for all
7 issues of Fortune 6/13/11 7/4/11 7/25/11 8/15/11 9/5/11 9/26/11 10/17/11 $1 each or $5 for all
4 issues of Entrepreneur July August September October 2011 $1 each $3 for all
5 issues of Traveler June July August Sept October 2011 $1 each
2 issues of Self Sept October 2011 $1 for both
1 Riviera Restaurant 2011 Issue San Diego $2 (sells for 5.95)
1 Spec Issue Landscape Photography Magazine 228 pgs +4 hour video [Picture Below] $7 (retails for 29.99)
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