C2837R Winnebago Chalet 22R Class C motor home in San Jose, CA

$30,495 C2837R Winnebago Chalet 22R Class C motor home


Family RV is the brokering agent for this RV and this is the asking this price. Fun to drive and a joy to own, the 2008 Winnebago Access offers the comfort and style you are looking for. Whether you are taking a trip with your family or traveling alone, this cozy Class C has a lot to offer. This luxurious motor home is fully equipped with TV, DVD, AC, heater, refrigerator, freezer, many cabinet spaces, and a generator. The television is even hinged for optimal viewing from the living area. It has three awesome beds for sleeping, your sofa and dinette beds, and a comfy cab bed. This motor home accommodates four to six people. Added items

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